A web hosting service provides a service that allows individuals and businesses to post web pages to the internet. A web hosting service provider provides the servers and technologies to view websites on the internet.
Web hosting services are services that customers can utilize after they have gained internet access. Web hosting services use hosting and client architecture to load content to the server so web pages and information can be viewed on the internet in its original HTML or php format.
A web hosting company will offer clients access to a server that will provide the clients’ content to individuals on the World Wide Web after they make a URL or domain name request. To view pages on the web, you must have a web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Google Chrome to request the web page from the server once you are connected to the Internet.
Web sites are pages that are stored on a computer called a server. The server is a part of a network of computers on the internet or World Wide Web that allows users of the internet to reach your site anywhere in the world at anytime. The internet is open 24 hours, seven days a week around the clock.
Host computers are configured so that when your URL or domain name is typed in, the address will use a pointer routine (look for the address from terminal to terminal) until it reaches the computer that hosts your website. Then, the server will process the request, return the proper web site based on the request, and if everything works correctly your web site should display itself on the user’s screen.
Hosting companies require that you buy your URL or domain name or register a subdomain on their website before you purchase hosting services. Most hosting companies have a package that will fit the needs of your website and allow for growth as time goes on.
Thewball.com offers hosting derives to suit anyone’s needs. Click here to find out more!
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